Thursday, July 5, 2012


Dear Leaders,

Please listen to your grassroots leaders and stop listen to your hired staffs, when it is concerned about people's perception. Your party's grassroots leaders are more on the ground and they know what people think about your administration and policies. Your hired staffs (who more than half are not party members) will always like to give a "positive" report to you, even if in fact the situation is negative on the ground!!

A Government's best communication with the people can be established when it involves the grassroots. It is not established solely with the support of self boasting blogger, who follows a leader with a Camera & tripod wherever he goes and writes as much as articles that praise the leader alone. Furthermore, these self boasting personnel not only addressing themselves as "Neutral", but also criticize the Party and the leaders. The communication that these hired communication staffs will establish will not reflects the situation on the ground. It is because, these people are only interested in the stories that praise certain leaders. That is happening because, the grassroots leaders, especially the ones from the ruling Party are totally sidelined from this, supposed to be "communicating" channel!! So, these communicating channel become a place for bunch of self praising/boasting "officers"!!

We in the past, so many times had highlighted some issues, which left unnoticed by those in the place to check and rectify those mistakes. For instance, the issue of State Bulletin, we have raised this issue many times over and over in the meetings. We had in fact told them that, one particular leader alone being featured again and again in the bulletins might create a negative perception among the people, that only one leader is performing in the state. It will also create a perception among the elected representatives themselves, that they're being sidelined and not given enough space in propagate their achievements to the people. But, all these suggestion was left unheeded by those in the power. But, now when opposition bashes, citing the mistake, one of the "neutral" propagate department Chief, who has very little power to control those "neutral - arrogant" officers, was forced to apologize. Would that have happened, if the grassroots leaders suggestions taken into consideration?!

Well, those "neutral" self boasting officers are untouchable. Sometimes, even make fun of our elected reps. They are free to make fun of the party and leaders on social medias, cause they're "blue eyed" staffs of the powerful leader. Sometimes, our own party members are called as thieves. Yet, no one can question these people, and the leader wont too. That is the reality.

Well, my intention to write this is not to personally implicate anyone on anything. I just want the concerned Dept to listen to the grassroots too and reflects the reality, instead of publishing self praised articles. And please don't do the articles in vernacular languages for the namesake, without relevance to the State. It is also, supposed to reflect the State's policies and achievements. Please, please be careful on these articles as for the contents and language. Tamil for instance, is a rich language. No Tamilian will like to see the Tamil words are wrongly used and wrongly pronounced. But it is happening. And one day, when the Opposition bashes on that, will the higher officer apologize again?! Maybe not now, cause Opposition too, planted their agents in some of these places, but soon, perhaps after they got full details of the mistakes.

- to be continued -

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